Mind Control Device
A temporary frigate upgrade that lasts for one expedition. The mind control device plugs into the ship's trading and communications systems, allowing the Fleet Commander to gain the upper hand in any negotiation.
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A temporary frigate upgrade that lasts for one expedition. The mind control device plugs into the ship's trading and communications systems, allowing the Fleet Commander to gain the upper hand in any negotiation.
A temporary frigate upgrade that lasts for one expedition. The mineral compressor allows fleet mining crews to liquidise the substances they extract, for both faster processing and easier transportation.
A highly reactive gel, this substance is both energy-rich and dangerous to touch. Crafted from Cactus Flesh.
A refined product, taking ordinary carbon and boosting it with radioactive energy. Crafted from Radon and Condensed Carbon.
A refined product, this is a powerful organic fertiliser in an easily distributed form. Crafted from Nitrogen and Condensed Carbon.
A refined product, holding the energy potential of heated atmospheric gas in a stable state until required. Crafted from Sulphurine and Condensed Carbon.
This antimatter-based fuel is one of the few power sources capable of meeting the incredible energy requirements of a starship hyperdrive. Secured within a robust housing, the cell is guaranteed paradox-free during FTL travel.
A high-capacity antimatter-based fuel, this cell harnesses an internal black hole generator to power starship hyperdrives across multiple warp jumps. Cell walls are specially designed to reflect any reality paradoxes back towards the heart of the unit, where they generate additional power.
A large barrel of frigate fuel. This viscous gel is highly toxic to the touch. A refined fuel, it powers the interstellar engines of large trading ships.
A lightweight and highly malleable alloy. Crafted from Paraffinium and Ionised Cobalt. In high demand on the Galactic Trade Network due to its utility in the construction of planetside outposts and facilities.
A popular metal alloy with a wide variety of uses. 'Dirty Bronze' has shed its scientific name in favour of the popular term for its colour. Crafted from Pure Ferrite and Pyrite.
Soft workable alloy favoured by artisans throughout the known galaxy. Crafted from Ionised Cobalt and Dioxite. A popular trading good, with many galactic shipping paths devoted to its sale and transport.
Combined neutral alloy with uses that range from pharmacology all the way to heavy industry. Crafted from Ionised Cobalt and Ammonia. Forms the backbone of galactic alloy trading.
Highly prized and lustrous alloy. Popular with traders of all known primary galactic races. Crafted from Ionised Cobalt and Phosphorus. Easily recognisable by its bright red glow and strong magnetic field.
Pure Ferrite alloy. Crafted from Pure Ferrite and Uranium. Used extensively in starship freighter construction due to its sheer strength. A hardcore material popular on the Galactic Trade Network.
A small barrel of frigate fuel. This viscous gel is highly toxic to the touch. A refined fuel, it powers the interstellar engines of large trading ships.
A specialist biological catalysation device. This unit takes advantage of naturally occurring enzymes in order to facilitate increased energy yields and faster processing in a wide range of advanced technologies.