Mineral Compressor
A temporary frigate upgrade that lasts for one expedition. The mineral compressor allows fleet mining crews to liquidise the substances they extract, for both faster processing and easier transportation.
A temporary frigate upgrade that lasts for one expedition. The mineral compressor allows fleet mining crews to liquidise the substances they extract, for both faster processing and easier transportation.
An inedible tuber that produces a small yield of Mordite crystals. A peaceful alternative to the process of harvesting Mordite from the corpses of creatures. Mordite Root must be grown in a Hydroponics Tray. Approximate growing time: 8 hours
A thin, shimmering thread, once owned by Iteration: Gemini. This impossible fibre, once a treasured keepsake, sings on the wavelength of the Space Anomaly. A valuable and exotic component, this would be of great use to Iteration: Tethys in repairing the shattered Drone.
A supremely powerful upgrade for the Neutron Cannon. Use FE_ALT1 to begin upgrade installation process. The module is flexible, and exact upgrade statistics are unknown until installation is complete. Potential upgrades include: projectile speed, charge time, weapon damage and number of projectiles.
An extremely powerful upgrade for the Neutron Cannon. Use FE_ALT1 to begin upgrade installation process. The module is flexible, and exact upgrade statistics are unknown until installation is complete. Potential upgrades include: projectile speed, charge time, weapon damage and number of projectiles.
A significant upgrade for the Neutron Cannon. Use FE_ALT1 to begin upgrade installation process. The module is flexible, and exact upgrade statistics are unknown until installation is complete. Potential upgrades include: projectile speed, charge time, weapon damage and number of projectiles.
A moderate upgrade for the Neutron Cannon. Use FE_ALT1 to begin upgrade installation process. The module is flexible, and exact upgrade statistics are unknown until installation is complete. Potential upgrades include: projectile speed, charge time, weapon damage and number of projectiles.
This medicinal herb is known for its pungent buds, which are harvested to produce Gek Nip. NipNip thrives in dank environments, and often grows as a weed. Suitable for hydroponic planting indoors. Needs a tropical or humid climate before planting outdoors.
A refined product, this is a powerful organic fertiliser in an easily distributed form. Crafted from Nitrogen and Condensed Carbon.
A valuable piece of broken down starship, created by a Starship Outfitting Terminal at a Space Station. Component is useful only as scrap to be sold at a Trade Terminal.
A catalytic material used in the creation of many organic fertilisers. Crafted from Thermic Condensate and Enriched Carbon.
Stablised and secure life support filtration gas. Easily assembled from Oxygen and Ferrite Dust. Offers an efficient method for long-term life support power.
A specialist technology component. This small device can rapidly change the gaseous environment within a device, handling conditions from total vacuum to pure oxygen atmospheres.
A connective fibre for electronics, made from an advanced synthetic polymer and capable of serving as a conduit for power and data. Crafted from Cactus Flesh and Star Bulbs.
A miniature self-controlled nuclear reactor. Generates sub-stellar levels of energy in a hassle-free, widely compatible fuel module. Crafted from Liquid Explosives and Fusion Accelerant.
A vial of the portal's blue amber, given to you by Iteration: Mercury. The ether of the Atlas itself, this is primeval liquid from which it weaves the multiverse. A valuable and exotic component, this would be of great use to Iteration: Tethys in repairing the shattered Drone.
A pre-built wiring package, designed to allow easy installation of core technology. Use FE_ALT1 to begin the installation process. %TECH_DESC%
Shifting nanite clusters sewn together with a pugneum filament, this circuit is painfully hot to the touch. A sinister purple light leaks from deep within its wiring, changing in intensity as it watches its holder. Unlike most Walker brains, this one has survived its violent extraction and is pristine and undamaged. It could potentially be installed in a new vessel...
Advanced munition fragments, constructed to fit Universal Multi-Tool Standard 07/FF1. Easily inserted into the Boltcaster, Pulse Spitter and Scatter Blaster via the Multi-Tool clip reloading system.
A biomechanical construct, created to the design of an anonymous host. Organic, but aglow with heat and possessing a highly-pressurised inner vessel. This 'device' is part pump, and part accelerated evolutionary chamber.
An extremely fast advanced processing unit. Allows real-time solving of otherwise impossible calculations. However, protection against decoherence is not guaranteed. Used in the creation of a wide range of advanced technologies.
A highly advanced computational device, essential for the complex calculations involved in warp travel. Crafted from Circuit Boards and Superconductors.
A highly-prized metal product, this rare element is used in the manufacture of several advanced technologies. Metal is highly reactive and quickly bonds to exposed skin. User is advised to handle with extreme caution. Synthesised from Magnetised Ferrite.
A valuable piece of broken down starship, created by a Starship Outfitting Terminal at a Space Station. Component is useful only as scrap to be sold at a Trade Terminal.