A pungent atmospheric gas. High concentrations are extremely hazardous to organic life. With the aid of specialised machinery, can be extracted from the atmospheres of Scorched and Desert planets.
A pungent atmospheric gas. High concentrations are extremely hazardous to organic life. With the aid of specialised machinery, can be extracted from the atmospheres of Scorched and Desert planets.
Shredded fragments of a soft, grey metal. Its surface is porous, and when touched it oozes ever-so-slightly. Found in the creaking wreck of a derelict freighter. The space station Scrap Dealer may find this interesting...
Radioactive isotope commonly used to fuel the fusion reactor at the heart of starship Pulse Engines. Abundant in interstellar asteroid fields, Tritium can be mined from asteroids using starship weaponry. Scan (SCAN) to search for tritium-rich asteroids.
Currency or faction standing, given as a reward.
Local mineral extract, typically found in large deposits or extracted from common minerals after inspection with an Analysis Visor. Typically found on planets with a radioactive environment.
An unnaturally thick liquid of dubious colour. Its origins are impossible to fathom. Appears to have some mild magnetic properties.
A purified drop of Atlantideum, refined to its very essence. This precious material is acquired by earning favour with and assisting the Autophage. Visit the Autophage Synthesis Terminal found at all Autophage camps to exchange Void Motes for unique customisation options.
Currency or faction standing, given as a reward.